Captivate your audience with award-winning images
Bring history to life with photos from our extensive archive. With more than a century of photojournalism experience, we’ve captured some of history’s most iconic images.
Bring history to life with photos from our extensive archive. With more than a century of photojournalism experience, we’ve captured some of history’s most iconic images.
The Associated Press has always been at the forefront of photojournalism, capturing the moments that shape our world and connecting audiences with history as it unfolds. This year, we celebrate 90 years of AP Wirephoto, the technology that transmitted photos from 1935, bringing unforgettable images of pivotal cultural moments, historical milestones, and groundbreaking innovations to millions worldwide at near instantaneous speed.
Since 1846, we have been first to inform the world of many of history’s most important moments, from the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the bombing of Pearl Harbor to the fall of the Shah of Iran and the death of Pope John Paul.
Get top-quality rights-managed and royalty-free commercial photos. Our online platform provides a resource for advertisers, publishers and creative professionals looking for exceptional stock imagery.
Our photojournalists have a keen eye for news, earning 36 Pulitzer Prizes and numerous other awards for photography.
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