Paginated sports previews from The Associated Press will kick off 2018 with a new look from the Adams Publishing Group’s Big Sky News Design team, beginning with the Winter Olympics edition out today.

The preview pages, known as AP Sports Extra, are popular among the news cooperative’s newspaper members and customers as they showcase AP’s quality sports coverage, save newsroom time and resources, and provide an easy vehicle for local advertising sales.
“We’re excited about the new look and feel that the Adams Publishing Group brings to these easy-to-use pages,” said Barry Bedlan, AP’s director of sports products. “These have become an important offering to our members and customers, and we think they’ll be pleased with the different designs.”
AP Sports Extra pages are available for major sporting events such as the Super Bowl, Major League Baseball’s opening day, the Masters golf tournament, the release of the preseason AP Top 25 football poll and the NASCAR cup chase, among others. The coming year will also include two special editions for the Winter Olympics and World Cup.
Big Sky News Design, housed at The Daily Chronicle in Bozeman, Montana, has been producing news pages for daily and weekly newspapers since 2015. The team of designers produces news, sports and feature pages for more than a dozen community newspapers throughout the northwestern United States. Big Sky News Design also makes those services available to publications outside Adams Publishing Group.
“We are incredibly proud of the work done by our team of designers,” said Eric Johnston, chief operating officer for PNG Media, the northwest division of the Adams Publishing Group. “Their clean, crisp design is already being showcased in newspapers throughout the northwest and I am confident these pages will be immediately and universally popular with newspaper readers.”
Big Sky News Design will design and produce the pages and will oversee pagination in coordination with AP.
Offered by The Associated Press since 2012, the preview pages are distributed to AP Sports subscribers in Adobe Illustrator and PDF formats. They are provided in full broadsheet, half broadsheet and tabloid sizes.
Lauren Easton
Director of Media Relations
The Associated Press
[email protected]
Eric Johnston
Chief Operating Officer
PNG Media/Adams Publishing Group
[email protected]