Best of AP — Honorable Mention

All-formats coverage of new mother and baby in flood-ravaged India


Anupam Nath, photographer, Gauhati, Assam, India, for his exclusive all-formats coverage of a young mother coping with her just-delivered infant as she and her family were flooded out of their village.

Nath traveled solo to the remote flood-affected areas of Assam state in northeastern India, first by road and then by boat. Eventually he reached a relief camp where he persuaded a doctor to let him accompany a medical team that was going to visit a newborn delivered while the mother was trying to reach a hospital by boat. She had given birth before being forced back to her own flooded village. After a risky ride through swollen waters, Nath and the medical team reached 20-year-old Imrana Khatoon and her infant daughter, and the decision was made to move them both by boat to another nearby hospital.

Despite challenging logistics, Nath shot photos and video of the entire sequence including the doctor examining the baby girl and the mother. Power lines were down so everyone had to work in candlelight. Once back in communication, Nath gave all the details to photo editor Yirmiyan Arthur who relayed them to text writer Aijaz Hussain. Meanwhile, Nath sent the video to video journalist Shonal Ganguly who compiled the edit in Delhi.

The result was an exclusive, visually-driven package of determination, hope and new life in the flood-ravaged region.

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