The Colorado River Water Pact: 100 years 

A collaborative series as the Colorado River Water Pact celebrated its 100th anniversary

In 2022, as the Colorado River Water Pact celebrated its 100th anniversary, an AP reporting collaboration examined the impact of water use in the region.

Service provided

Text stories

Data-driven animations


The challenge

The increasing effects of climate change are threatening Colorado River water levels 100 years after the Colorado River Compact was signed, endangering the water supply of the 7 US states and Mexico that rely on it. The public and policymakers have never needed high-quality facts-based information across all the affected geographies more than now.

How we helped

In 2022, as the Colorado River Water Pact celebrated its 100th anniversary, an AP reporting collaboration examined the impact of water use in the region. The package featured 11 text stories, including from all seven states in the Colorado Basin plus Mexico and tribal lands. Each story features photos and data-driven animations. Accompanying videos show how the Colorado River got to this point and on how tribes are fighting for water rights.  

Partner media outlets in the West included The Colorado Sun, The Albuquerque Journal, The Salt Lake Tribune, The Arizona Daily Star and The Nevada Independent and the Santa Fe New Mexican. 

The result

The series drew the attention of water managers. AP was invited to speak about the coverage at the Colorado River Water Users Association, an annual gathering of policymakers and other river stakeholders. AP also produced a “Localize it” guide, which provides context, data, and tips to help media localize national stories for their own audiences. To date, it has been downloaded 500 times. 

AP Colorado River Intro Map

Data visualization

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